
Sas university edition interview questions
Sas university edition interview questions

sas university edition interview questions

It’s more than likely that they will ask you about your subject. Make sure you look at all the modules available on the course and identify any that particularly pique your interest. This is not the place to answer “I’ve heard the nightlife is pretty good.” Instead you should be talking about what attracts you to the university and the course on a personal and academic level. Before your interview, you should have gone to an open day (if you’ve missed them, then arrange a private visit) and used that opportunity to ask current students and tutors about the university and course. The key to answering these university interview questions is to make sure you’ve done your research.

  • What makes you want to study this subject at university?.
  • What in particular attracts you to this course?.
  • Consequently, the university interview questions you might come across will be like: This is where they separate the people applying to the university to fill a place on their UCAS application from the people who genuinely want to go there. Therefore, during the interview, they’ll probably try and gauge your level of enthusiasm for the university and the course. When universities make you an offer, they want to make sure that you’re pretty likely to accept it.

    sas university edition interview questions

    How do your A-levels feed into each other? What are the areas of overlap? ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY & THE COURSE… When explaining why you chose particular A-levels, don’t just say “Because they look good on my UCAS application” or “Because I knew I could get good grades” talk about a particular aspect of your A-levels that you found interesting or perhaps why you chose that combination. You might want to say something like: “Although I enjoyed my lessons, I would have liked more freedom to pursue my own academic interests.”

    sas university edition interview questions

    It’s best not to gripe too much about your lessons and teachers. What do you enjoy most about school and what frustrates you most about it?.They may ask you questions about your education such as: Another favourite amongst interviewers is: “What do you do in your spare time?” Tell them something interesting and different, not just: “I like hanging out with my mates.” ABOUT YOUR SCHOOL… They might ask you to back it up with examples so be prepared for that. If they ask you about your strengths, list a few, be honest and to the point, but don’t brag. “Sometimes I struggle with time management”), but always tell them what you are doing to tackle it (“But I’ve got a few of strategies to cope with it”). If they ask you if you have any weaknesses, identify one (e.g. Tell them about your general interests and academic interests and what you think are your main personality characteristics. Keep your answer down to three or four sentences. Practise how you would answer an open ended question like “Tell me about yourself.” The main problem with those kinds of questions is that there’s the temptation to rabbit on. These can be pretty tricky university interview questions to answer, from the open ended “Tell me about yourself” to “How would your friends describe you?” Before your interview, write down a list of your strengths and weaknesses and think of five words to sum up your personality. Universities love to ask you about yourself. Above all, don’t parrot your personal statement back at them.Īnd, if you have cheekily referenced a few things that you haven’t actually read, now would be the time to read them.

    sas university edition interview questions

    Be prepared to elaborate on what you wrote in your personal statement and make sure you back up your statements. They might base the interview on your personal statement, so make sure you re-read it. Just don’t wait too long…it could get awkward! YOUR PERSONAL STATEMENT… When faced with a tough question, allow yourself to pause briefly and collect your thoughts, rather than just plunging straight into answering. In Oxbridge university interviews, the trickier questions are usually designed to make you think laterally. Of course, aside from the standard questions, they might throw in the odd curveball question. These tips could also be useful when applying for a sponsored degree! So instead of practising hurling bricks through windows, you should probably have a go at fielding the kind of university interview questions you might be asked. The thing to remember is that the majority of these stories are urban legends! The university interview rumour mill regularly trundles out stories of tutors asking hapless students to hurl bricks through windows, sit down when there are no chairs or impersonate a gibbon (yes, we made that one up).

    Sas university edition interview questions